Greetings, y’all! Today is the day, Election Day. The day we’ve been waiting for. The day to change history. Have you been to the polls yet? Do you know who you’re voting for? This is a day when your voice can be heard for taxes, businesses, reproductive freedom and so much more. Who says a woman can’t be President? By the way, make sure you are prepared to vote and are familiar with your ballot before you go to the polls (you can check out it out here). I’m getting ready to go to the polls myself, let’s all go vote!
So I hope this blog post finds you well. In the age of the coronavirus pandemic, we just have to be thankful for the little things. I think that’s what this year is trying to teach us. The project that I mentioned when I went down to Wynwoodrecently has been delayed due to the pandemic. And a lot of other things are up in the air. But that’s life right now. We can only take it one day at a time.
Are you registered to vote? If not, you can register here and perhaps we can make some changes in the world.
I’ve been holed up in West Palm Beach. Was supposed to be in New York today but had to postpone my trip. I’m actually really thankful to be in Florida. The weather has been beautiful. Anyway, have a good weekend and don’t forget to take care of yourself amidst everything going on.
Well the day is here folks! Election Day. Have you voted yet? Make sure you go vote.
If you’re a woman or a minority, it’s especially important for you to vote since people took abuse, fought and even died for your right to vote.
If you need help finding your polling place, check out this website. To look at your sample ballot, go to and visit to get info on who’s running in your local elections and how they’ve voted on the issues.
Today is election day and I hope each and every one of you goes out and votes! Whether by email, going to the poll or finding an “army” truck in NJ to make it happen- just make sure you vote today!
I’d like to pay a tribute to the last four years of Michelle Obama’s style. It seems that we haven’t paid this much attention to what our First Lady is wearing since Jackie Kennedy Onassis was in the White House!
Our economy was a sinking ship before Obama took office and it has seemed to stabilize a bit with GDP and the DJIA up a bit since the market crash of 2009. However, things are still pretty rough.
According to the Harvard Business Review, Professor David Yermack of NYU’s Stern School found that following public appearances between 2008-2009, Michelle Obama created $2.7 billion in cumulative abnormal returns for fashion and retail companies associated with what she wore.
Professor Yermack also states brands chosen by Obama gain about 2.3% in value which by the way, is more than Sarah Jessica Parker at about .5%.
Let’s take a look back at some of her great looks over the past four years!