Tag: Beaches

Bougainvilleas on a Sunday and M2 Sketches

So, I started a painting a while ago and did not finish it (which I have several). I went to brunch and snapped a photo by the boungavilleas before going home years ago. Florida has some beautiful greenery in addition to the gorgeous beaches. I was inspired to paint the purple boungavilleas and couldn’t decide between keeping me off the painting or not. In the end, I left me off.

M2 is still alive by the way. Below are some fashion design sketches I started with this painting as inspiration. Right now, I’m trying to do some crowd funding (you can donate here) and looking to bootstrap my way to developing the next collection. Hopefully, everything will work out and you’ll love it. Check out the progress of this painting and more below! 





Malinda Knowles

Exclusive Walk To The Beach Merchandise

Hey Everyone! I’ve had a lot of things going on recently. But I wanted to announce some new Walk To The Beach merchandise available on my RedBubble art shop. If you haven’t seen some of my artwork, make sure to view some of it here. Beaches are beautiful so what better way to celebrate nature than to wear it on a t-shirt or a cell phone case? 

Summer might be over but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the sun!



Malinda F. Knowles

Photo Credit: Redbubble Ltd