Tag: AS by DF Fashion Presentation

AS by DF Fall 2013 Fashion Presentation


So, last week I attended AS by DF Fashion Presentation featuring some new Fall 2013 designs from Denise Focil who is doing a relaunch. She’s done work for J. Lo and others and is mostly based out of Los Angeles but is trying to get her stuff out here to New York. Leather is her thing and I liked some of the leather pieces that she had.


AStarsFall2013_malindaknowlesDenise wore a dress from her new collection with some great leather striped detail featuring see through fabric. I’ve noticed this seems to definitely be a trend this year.

Her ASTARS Line, a lower price point collection, evidently might be at Intermix stores this Fall. There was a dress that I absolutely adored with very soft fabric and stretchy vegan leather sleeves that will be retailing for about $90. I was impressed.

Tyson Beckford and Melyssa Ford came by to view the collection as well. Good stuff Denise, looking forward to seeing your stuff in New York.


AS by DF Fall 2013 Fashion Presentation and Cocktail Partyarzoasbydfasbydflookbookdenisefocilandmalindaknowles



Malinda Knowles

Photo Credits: Carly Otness/BFAnyc.com

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