Tag: Coach

Coach Flats to Spice It Up

Howdy folks! I have been caught up with other work. Started working at a bridal shop and have been quite busy. I have to wear conservative black clothing and frankly it gets quite boring. However, today I am spicing up a basic black dress with some pink and black Coach flats.


They are so stylish and Neiman Marcus has some of their handbags on sale that you can see above. A nice handbag and cute shoes can always spice up conservative business casual clothing. Talk to you later!



Malinda F. Knowles

Five Gift Ideas for Mom

coachgracie sandal

So Mother’s Day is about a week away! What are you going to do for Mom? Check out these five gift ideas, order today and get it in time for next weekend. ModaOperandi is doing express shipping through May 4th with the offer code MOTHERSDAY. And, Target also has some great practical gifts for the gardening and kitchen Mom. Peep them here.

croc embossed leather toteclover straw visorkate spade bagcaftan



Malinda Knowles